Various yearly, half yearly, quarterly and monthly return submission to RBI
a) APSA (Annual Priority Sector Advances)
b) QPSA ( Quarterly Priority Sector Advances)
c) D-QPSA(District - Wise Quarterly Priority Sector Advances)
d) SMA ( Special Monthly Return VI AB)
e) MSME data Investment Credit & WC
f) MSME SMA & NPA Data
g) National Housing Bank
h) Natural Calamity Relief
Various Quarterly and Monthly return submission internal stakeholder
a) PSL (Priority Sector Lending Monthly)
b) Division wise PSL working
c) Standard Assets
d) MSME advances related to MSME accounts
e) New MSME client data to Finance
f) MPFI (Monitoring of Progress of Financial Inclusion)
g) Overdue reports (Daily)
h) Tracking SLBC Mails volumes approx 700 mails monthly
Various Adhoc, quarterly and Monthly return submission to SLBC
a) 35 State data submitted through Portal
b) 20 State offline data submission
c) ATR (Action Taken Report) Adhoc as per SLBC requirements
d) Digital Data
e) NPA (Non Performing Assets related to SLBC State)
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