Program Trading focuses on the buying and selling of stock portfolios in various ways, including guaranteed benchmark trades and blind principal trades. The desk also has a specialty in index name changes, facilitating the buying/selling of securities which allows passive index managers to accurately track their benchmarks. The role requires the ability to work in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment along with a passion for markets and trading,
Job Responsibilities will include, but not limited to:
- Client Post-trades/Operations and Account Openings
- Responsible for all overnight trades confirmations and matches
- Ensuring client are updated on trades status and receive end of day reporting
- Responsible for post trade confirmations - sending confirmations and recaps for clients and brokers
- Work on a daily snapshot of any themes playing out on a daily flow basis
- Weekly color of trading flows that the desk saw
- Liaise with Middle office and local teams for client account openings and on-boarding.
Basic Qualifications
- Relevant Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification with an excellent academic record.
- 1-2 years- experience in securities sales/trading
- Strong Interest in global financial markets and derivatives.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal (written and verbal) skills.
- Attention to Detail.
- Ability to multi-task & deliver under pressure.
- Solid work
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