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Banking & Finance
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a) Balance Sheet Finalization and Audit-coordination
i) Balance Sheet Preparation and Finalization as per Companies quarterly and annually.
ii) Coordination with Statutory/Internal auditors/Tax Auditors on a regular basis to ensure audit completion and account finalization on time (quarterly and annually).
b) Finance & Budgeting
i) Budget Preparation after coordinating with various department/unit heads and variance analysis.
ii) Handling financial matters including Working Capital Management, Ratio Analysis & Cash Flow Analysis
iii) Managing Term Loan & Cash Credit Account and ensuring that no default has been made in any principal and interest repayment.
iv) Preparation of monthly stock statement for working capital and quarterly progress report for Project Loan.
c) Management Information System (MIS)
i) Preparation of Monthly MIS reports to provide feedback to top management on financial performance, viz risk control, profitability etc.
ii) Compiling & analyzing of MIS on debtors, creditors, expense sheet & analysis of profitability position of the Organization.
d) Direct & Indirect Taxation
i) Complying with various statutory compliances i.e. GST, Tax Deducted at Source, PF, ESI for Corporate Office and Other construction sites by coordinating with them on a regular basis.
e) Revenue Recognition as per IND AS 115.
f) Customer and Vendor Management
i) Vendor Payment management
ii) Follow-up for customer realization
g) Claim Receivables and Loan Outstanding Working
i) Detailed working of Claim receivables on quarterly and annual basis to have a track of all the claim awarded in favor of Company.
ii) Tracking of loan outstanding and Interest accrued thereon with books of accounts on quarterly basis
iii) Calculating interest on loan outstanding on quarterly basis.
iv) Working of Interest overdue at the end of the year for the purpose of Caro Reporting.
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Banking & Finance
Job Code